A bit late with July. It must be the hot weather; everything is on hold until the next thunderstorm. Nevertheless, another couple of cellos have reached workshop escape velocity, and another is already on the mould and ready for purfling. Still managing to find time here and there to see the magnificent Stradivari exhibition in Oxford, taking notes for the grand British Violin Makers Association outing this coming Saturday. Luthiers from all over the place falling on the Ashmolean museum to wrench as much knowledge as they can from this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. SuperHubert has already accompanied me round the gallery, with eyes popping and a big happy dog expression on his face.
We have thorough restorations in hand on two cellos and a viola, all interesting classical instruments. Roll on the calmer weather, when we can start to concentrate properly. No rest ’til 2014 now. More tea and biscuits please.
March 2013
Sincere thanks to everyone who has taken the trouble to send in corrections to The Brompton’s Book. I take it as a sort of encouragement that people are reading and using it, so I’m glad to hear responses. All updates and corrections are being filed, I hope for a second edition one day.
Practical work has resumed in a big way, with cellos coming to shape all around us. Hubert and I have to pick our way carefully into the workshop in the morning. We also have a rather beautiful Grancino cello undergoing a neck reset. Other visiting splendours over the past month include a rare Deconet (hold the arguments, please) and a lovely Panormo. So we’re not short of inspiration.
We’re being joined for a week in March by Emmanuelle Dion-Vermand, another ex-assistant of mine, currently establishing her own business in France. But you know, Twickenham in the early spring is so lovely she couldn’t stay away. So we’re going to work together on a project she has… we need to get some cellos finished and out of the way so that she can find her old bench.